guitar · learning · practice

Learning chord shapes on the guitar

I talked, not long ago, about the process of strumming chords on a guitar. That post focused  on what the right hand does while playing the instrument (presuming the player is right handed.) Let’s consider the what the left hand does while fretting different chord shapes. We’ll focus on what are called open chords. Open…… Continue reading Learning chord shapes on the guitar

guitar · learning · practice · Uncategorized

Handy online chord chart generator

I’m pretty impressed with the web site which generates visual diagrams for fretting most of the essential open chords. It shows both the notes to fret and fingers that should be used to fret those notes. I’ve been using it to create charts I print out for students. I’d love to see them add more…… Continue reading Handy online chord chart generator

guitar · guitar picking · instrumental music · practice

Observing Al Di Meola’s edge picking (with video)

I recently watched an interview with guitarist Al Di Meola as part of a Google video program called Talks at Google. Al, a noted speed picker, plays a few tunes during the show and I noticed something relevant to my recent article, “A Survey of Guitar Picking, pt 2.” In that post I mentioned the idea…… Continue reading Observing Al Di Meola’s edge picking (with video)